Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I absolutely LOVED Kellogg Elementary. I think this is how all schools should be. I realize that not all schools have the resources and funds for all of the advancements but there are adjustments that can be made to any school. Any school can take the teaching methods used at Kellogg and apply them to teaching their students.

From the moment you walk in the school, it is evident that this place is different. There is so much to see and read and learn. This school has very few empty spaces on the walls. Every inch of space is completely covered in murals, posters, and student work. These children are completely immersed in the information they are learning. The visual stimulation is incredible. There are pictures of animals, flags of other countries, phrases in other languages, and other things causing the children to think and learn in every possible opportunity.

I love that the students are encouraged to figure things out on their own. I think this is how true learning takes place, and this will help the students retain more information. They will feel such a sense of accomplishment to know that they created this or they found this answer. This will help prepare them for life, where problem solving and teamwork is vital.